Featured Brand Sign-Up: VAUGHAN MILLS Location

Sale price$200.00


We're excited to officially be opening our next location of The RevolutionHer Store at the busy and bustling shopping centre of VAUGHAN MILLS, and we're thrilled to have you join us as one of our selected featured brands!

If you are seeing this registration page, then that means you have received a personal invitation to extend your customer reach and join us as a featured brand within our new location in Vaughan - registration is not currently open beyond our collective of members!

Please complete this online registration to be included as one of the selected featured brands, which includes additional social media coverage, in-store and online promotion, as well as admin fees to diversify inventory and transfer goods to and from both locations. Please note that this registration fee is separate from your Annual Membership Fee. 

If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out by emailing maria@revolutionher.com directly.


We can't wait to grow our customer base with you, and we thank you for being part of this journey with us!

Maria & Grace xo


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