Summer Boredom is Where Magic Can Happen
As a parent, one phrase that I dislike hearing from kids is, “I’m bored!”. The first thoughts that come to my mind include, “How in the world can you be bored? You have so many books to read. You can go outside and play. You can write in your journal. You can paint. You can just sit, breathe and meditate!”

However, as I stop and reflect on our lives, the amount of stimulation there is on a moment to moment basis is undeniable. We have phones, computers, devices of all kinds, social media, the internet, YouTube, you name it. The culture around us has made it very easy to stimulate our minds incessantly. On top of this, we have dove into the depths of non-stop rapid firing of images and thoughts with video shorts, memes, and TikTok, which trains our attention span to be fleeting at best.

As the saying goes, when you point one finger there are 3 fingers pointed back at oneself. My dislike of hearing “I’m bored” is also a reflection back to me in how I distract myself throughout the day. When I get “bored” I pick up my phone to check emails, messages, start “Googling”, and yes, playing Candy Crush.

What if instead, boredom can be the magic opening to experiencing this present moment? It can be magical because in this moment, mind, body and energy has an opportunity to just BE. It does not have to be mindlessly directed or taken on a ride of stimulation. As we allow ourselves to sit in this moment of boredom, we can breathe and choose infinite possibilities of the next moment. If we can wait INTO the boredom, we can find the stillness that has been undyingly waiting for us.

How can we open wide to boredom this summer? It will require some reframing for ourselves and with children. Decide that boredom will be a magical opportunity to let go of outer stimulation. Make it a game with young ones to seek out times to be bored. Make it fun! Point out the boredom and then:
  • As you inhale, breathe IN the moment, inhale the boredom.
  • Then exhale anything you no longer want to experience.
  • Then PAUSE.

From this place of calm, be open to asking yourself or your children, “can we stay in this stillness for another few breaths? Or let’s just connect with “Tell me..." prompts.
“Tell me…” prompts are a great way to ask questions and get to know or connect with each other.

For example, “Tell me….something funny that happened to you this week, something you were surprised by, something that makes you happy, sad, anxious, grateful, something you want me to know, etc.”

Take turns asking different questions. Have fun and connect, whether it’s for 5 minutes or 1 hour. As a bonus activity that will span the summer, try making a Boredom Box: Collect paper, coloring pages, journals, coloring pencils, books, origami paper, etc so everything is ready to go for your next boredom moment. Here’s to a summer chock-full of boredom!

Written by Dr. Helen Lee



Dr. Helen Lee is the author of The Gratitude Growth Activity Book for Kids. She has been dedicated to understanding the power of the mind- body connection as an holistic chiropractor. Being witness to the transformative power of the mind in healing, she envisions extending this impactful knowledge to younger generations. Her mission has grown to include creating resources & tools specifically tailored for children, recognizing them as the architects of our future. By planting the seed of empowerment early in their lives, children have a greater opportunity to grow with adaptability, creativity, and ability to navigate their future as they want it. Alongside her husband, they are inspired by and cherish the incredible light and wisdom of their daughter.



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